Why does India Need a Medicinal Plant Policy ?
Seema Bhatt

With growing interest in medicinal plants, the need of the hour is a long term strategy to conserve and sustainably harvest these plant products.

The use of medicinal plants in India and many other developing countries can be considered a living tradition. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that the primary health care needs of approximately 80 per cent of the developing world’s population are met by traditional medicine (Srivastava et al, 1995). Traditional medicine systems range from the Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha and Tibetan in India, the Kampo in Japan, the Jamu in Indonesia, and many more. The traditional systems of medicine largely depend on natural resources for their medicines, out of which plants form the bulk of the medicine. The Natural Products Alert (NAPRALERT) databases at the University of Illinois document the ethnomedicinal uses for more than 9,000 species (Farnsworth and Soejarto, 1991).

Plant use in traditional Indian health systems goes back a long way. Ancient medical texts bear evidence of the use of plants for veterinary use, for plant health and also for textiles (vegetable dyes), cosmetics and perfume. This kind of use is prevalent even today. The All India Ethnobiology Survey carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Forests estimates that over 7,500 species of plants are estimated to be used by 4,635 ethnic communities for human and veterinary health care across the country (Foundation for the Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions or FRLHT, 1997). A recent study of the codified medical texts of Ayurveda reveal that approximately 1,700 species of plants are documented for their medicinal properties and mode of action and over 10,000 herbal drug formulations are recorded. (FRLHT, 1997). Rigorous inventories from the Unani, Siddha or the Tibetan medical systems also would yield more information on plant use.

Medicinal plants like many other natural resources are doomed to extinction unless fire-fighting measures are deployed. Why has the destruction of a resource that has been traditionally utilised over the years suddenly accelerated? The reasons for this are many.

In a complete turn around, modern medicine is getting more interested in medicinal plant therapies and as a result the demand for medicinal plant products in the western world is on the rise. Drug laboratories are today analysing more and more plant products as remedies for the ever growing list of diseases. Some of the existing major life saving drugs are plant derived. Take the example of reserpine - a drug commonly used to control high blood pressure and as an effective tranquiliser. Reserpine was isolated from the raw plant Rauvolfia extract and used in western medicine in 1952. Interestingly, the powdered root of Rauvolfia has been in use in India for at least 2,000 years to treat mental illness (Srivastava, 1995). This root, 35 years since it gave the world its first tranquiliser, has become both medically and economically extremely important. The US alone dispenses over 22 million prescriptions for reserpine (Srivastava, 1995).

With the increase in sophisticated research facilities, and the growing interest of the western world in plant products, more and more such discoveries will be made, leading to commercialisation and perhaps overexploitation of the plants. There is also the fear that with commercialisation there will be less left for local consumption.

Another threat medicinal plants face is that of habitat destruction. Under the Forest (Conservation) Act ,1980 and the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, medicinal plants do get some amount of protection. But a lot of medicinal plants grow away from the protected areas domain and since there is no consolidated strategy for medicinal plants, a lot of them just disappear without even the knowledge of it. Within protected areas also, the lack of a focussed conservation strategy could cause a depletion of this valuable resource. Along with this, is an increased threat to the availability of medical plants. Over 95 per cent of the medicinal plants used by the Indian pharmaceutical industry are today collected from the wild (FRLHT, 1997). Over 70 per cent of the plant collections involve the use of roots, bark, wood, stem and in some areas the whole plant, leading to destructive harvesting. If not carefully monitored, this practice could lead to the depletion of genetic stocks and ultimately to the diversity of medicinal plants.

With the onset of urbanisation and the lure of jobs to urban areas; also with the spread of allopathic primary health care to remote rural areas, traditional knowledge is being lost and traditional systems eroding. The loss of ethnobotanical knowledge in particular has also accelerated the depletion of plants of medicinal value. Indigenous communities, because of their intimate knowledge of the ecosystem and elements therein, knew how to harvest plants while the species could maintain its population at natural or near natural levels and ensure that the level of harvest will not change the species composition. With this loss of traditional knowledge, we are fast losing the ethical means which ensure a sustainable harvest.

Efforts to conserve medicinal plants are being made throughout the country, but are scattered. What is required is a long-term strategy and an all encompassing law which takes into account existing efforts and suggests other ways to conserve and sustainably harvest medicinal plants.

The ideal conservation strategy for any species is one of in situ conservation. For medicinal plants this is being done to some extent in the current protected area management regime. However, representative medicinal plants conservation reserves may or may not overlap with the existing PA and a separate network of such areas may have to be thought of. The forest departments of the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with the FRLHT, have established a network of 30 medicinal plants conservation areas across the Western Ghats. However if such areas are established then there also has to be a regulation on the harvest of the medicinal plants.

Simultaneously it is also important to look at the ex-situ conservation of medicinal plants through set ups like medical plant gardens and gene banks. The All India Health Network, Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samiti, Coimbatore, has established 50 such gardens in the country. More recently, the FRLHT has also established 15 such gardens in the three southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, has taken the initiative to establish three gene banks in the country.

More urgent than conservation for plants is to ensure the availability of plants and planting material to the various user groups and this is possible if enough nurseries are established throughout the country. In south India, FRLHT has recently set up a network of 53 supply nurseries. Besides this, no organised nursery network or supply of quality planting material of medicinal plants exists.

Of late, cultivation of medical plants is being promoted as the solution to guarding against the depletion of the plants and degradation of habitats. However cultivation of these plants is not so easy. There is an unavailability of quality planting materials as also a lack of standardised agronomic practices. Today, out of some 400 species used by the Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha and Tibetan medicine, less than 20 species are under commercial plantation.

Here also, the loss of traditional knowledge is being increasingly felt. Traditionally communities cultivate (even today) selected medicinal plants for personal use. The microniches and ideal growth conditions for these species are known by the communities. If large scale cultivation is being planned, then there is a lot to learn from the communities. It thus becomes extremely important to document ethnobotanical knowledge and also provide incentives to the communities to keep this living tradition alive.

Medicinal plants have always been of interest to the community since these plants are used on daily basis by them. They also have a commercial value for the communities which is considerably lower than the market price because they are sold in the ‘raw’ form. To increase the communities’ stake in conservation there could be considerable value addition to medicinal plants through simple techniques such as drying, cleaning, crushing, powdering, grading and packaging. Not many efforts are being made in this direction.

The need to conserve medicinal plants is now widely recognised and several measures suggested. However, as mentioned earlier, no consolidated strategy to address issues discussed exists, neither is there a defined policy for the conservation of medicinal plants. Under the law, three Acts cover medicinal plant issues in India at present. These are the Indian Forest Act (IFA),the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, and the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (WLPA). The Indian Forest Act applies only to material brought from the forest. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, and the Wildlife (Protection)Act, 1972, facilitate only the in situ conservation of medicinal plants. Outside protected areas the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, provides a regulatory mechanism of six endangered plant species under its Schedule VI. Out of these only one is of medicinal value. The export import policy of India looks at the export as well as import of plants and plant parts on the basis of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Appendix 1, which essentially lists the same six species of plants that are under schedule VI of WLPA (Jha, 1996).

There is no control on the exploitation of medicinal plants from outside protected areas. Most species banned for export are thus because of their endangered status and not their medicinal value. A national level policy is required if any consolidated effort towards the conservation of medicinal plants is foreseen.

A national policy should have within its framework several points. The policy must be formulated keeping in mind the various user groups of medicinal plants. It must recognise the fact that there is a much larger population of non-commercial users, as opposed to commercial users.

The policy framework should advocate conservation in situ and ex situ as well as cultivation. This is needed, considering the long term availability of medicinal plants and the immediate needs of user groups. The policy would have to look at means to raise financial resources and incentives for encouraging conservation actions.

To facilitate implementation, the policy should review existing institutions working in the field, encourage their strengthening and, where necessary, also review the possibility of building new institutions.

Most importantly, the policy needs to take into account the legal and regulatory mechanisms related to medicinal plants.

Several efforts are afoot towards the formulation of such a policy. A pioneering attempt was made by the FRLHT in January 1997. FRLHT organised a national consultation on medicinal plants in Madras. The result was a document on the guidelines for a national policy. We have yet to see something more concrete.

Literature Cited

Farnsworth, NR and DD Soejarto. 1991. Global Importance of Medicinal Plants. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Foundation for the Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions. 1997. Conserving a National Resource. Need for a National Policy and National Programme on Medicinal Plants Conservation Draft of Madras Consultation (unpublished).

Jha, AK. Medicinal Plants : Poor Regulation Blocks Conservation. 1996. Economic and Political Weekly. December 23, 1996. pp 3,270.

Srivastava, J, J Lambert, N Vietmeyer. 1995. Medicinal Plants. A Growing Role in Development. The World Bank, Washington, DC.   q


Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Foundation
1 Motilal Nehru Place, New Delhi 110 011; Tel: 91 (11) 301-2712, 301-8279; Chairman: Sunil Shastri

P u b l i c   I n t e r e s t   P e t i t i o n
filed in the Supreme Court on December 13, 1997 for

Referendum on Key Issues with Ensuing Election

The Lok Sabha has been dissolved three and a half years prior to completion of its term. The nation is today plagued by increasing social, economic and environmental degradation. It is uncertain that a stable government will emerge from the ensuing election.

At the root of all our problems is our centralised democracy based on colonial institutions. The Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Foundation and People First have filed a public interest petition praying for referendum along with the ensuing national election on instituting:

1 Village, district and city governments having exclusive jurisdiction over all local matters, including administration of land, police and natural resources and controlling resources to manage them;

2 Presidential system in all governments, local, state and union,
provided their jurisdictions are clearly delineated and local jurisdictions are not violated;

3 Sovereign Rights Commissions at the union and state levels to legitimise the sovereign rights of the people to information, consultation, participation and referendum by promulgating effective transparency laws, oversee that they are not violated and process people’s concerns, including changes in the Constitution and laws, through referendum.

The petition also argues that centralised planning and legislators violating local jurisdictions constitute serious violations and be declared ultra vires. If the referendums are held, the colossal expenditure on the election will be put to productive use for the nation.

Gandhiji advocated such a pivotal role for local governments. Well managed democracies already practice it. The presidential system will suit our ethos and ensure stability. Clearly defined roles and accountability will promote responsible politics.

Local empowerment nurtures regional ethos and national pride. Centralisation destroys both. Their degeneration set in during the colonial period and got furthered during centralised rule in free India. The teachings of visionaries like Vivekanand, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghosh and Gandhiji and spiritual thinkers of Muslims and Sikhs got sidelined. Today, values have reached their lowest.

A referendum is a sovereign right of the people. A procedure is however needed for exercising it. The usual procedure, requiring a petition by a specified number of citizens, is inefficient and can be abused.

A sound procedure would be to institute Sovereign Rights Commissions for processing referendums. Shri PA Sangma, Speaker, Lok Sabha, circulated our proposal in the golden jubilee session.


Agreeing that a referendum is intrinsic to democracy and exists even if not specifically provided for in a constitution, Justice MN Venkatachaliah has described the concept of Sovereign Rights Commissions asproviding "a legitimate, non-violent method of transforming our society".

Judicial processes are time consuming. We invite political leaders to include Sovereign Rights Commissions in their manifestos and submit to the will of the people for reforms through referendums.

Shri P Chidambaram, Finance Minister, said in a TV interview that the economy can no longer be managed unless decision-making is effectively decentralised. Shri Digvijay Singh, Chief Minister, Madhya Pradesh, said in another interview that the nation needs Gandhian democracy. Shri Madan Lal Khurana, Vice President, BJP, wrote "We are still to reach Mahatma Gandhi’s goal of swaraj... The power in our country is still centred around a handful of people..." (Hindustan Times, Dec. 14, 1997).

We request the print and electronic media to sponsor political debates to facilitate an informed referendum. A nationwide call should be made not to turn up for voting unless political leaders agree to reforms through referendum. It will be a non-violent response to an exploitative, oppressive system. Let Gandhiji guide us in the next millennium.


"It is unfortunate that even after 50 years of independence, we are still to reach Mahatma Gandhi’s goal of Swarajya. We may have got independence from the Britishers, but we still have a long way to go for Swarajya. The power in our country is still centered around a handful of people and we are still to decentralise power. Our villages are still to rejoice in Swarajya even after 50 years of independence. More that 45 per cent of our people are still languishing below the poverty line and there is no one to take care of them. All the time we are crying ourselves hoarse about economic liberalisation but not a single kilowatt of power has increased in our villages. Ice creams may be in plenty in our cities, but what about the needs of our brethren in the villages. We talk of having gained so much, but have we ever thought about the cost of all these things. At what cost is all this development that we keep referring to.

In the end, I would only ask one question. How many of us have a love for our country?"

(By Madanlal Khurana, former Chief Minister of Delhi and Vice President of BJP)

(Excerpt taken from "The Hindustan Times" dated December 14, 1997)

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